Thursday, September 22, 2011

Happy un-birthday!

Yes, friends, I believe that today is the perfect day to celebrate our un-birthdays. I mean, it was just a blah day for me, and I need some excitement.

I made these meringues because I was really in the mood for something sweet and quick to make, and these fit the criteria. (Sorry about the lighting, it was nighttime outside.) Tea and treats galore!

And, of course, I must have a beautiful little hat!!! (I made that one myself) :)

The frosting and carrot cake looks great! The perfect ingredients to celebrate our un-birthdays! (And my mother's REAL birthday as well! What a coinky-dink that our un-birthdays are on the same day as her real birthday! How ironic!) Tee hee :)

That carrot cake looks great! (I'm glad I took the picture before the cake fell :(. I don't know what makes a cake fall, but all of my cakes have fallen and I don't know why!!! How infuriating!)

Anyway, it tasted delicious, and I suppose that's all that matters, right?

And it wouldn't be an un-birthday/real birthday party without some beautiful pink flowers! (I would love to claim that I grew these myself, but alas, they came from the local grocery store. Sigh. I would love to have my own rose garden, but I just don't have the time to maintain it. I will have one eventually!)

Anyway, moving on....

The fun craft displayed below came from none other than A Fanciful Twist's Vanessa Valencia (who else?) You can find this craft here.

I love moons and stars, don't you? They are especially fun to look at! Oh, look! A note from the Mad Hatter himself, wishing us a merry un-birthday! How sweet! Now where did he run off to? He left us the note but I didn't see him appear....that tricky little guy!

Wellllll....that's all for now, folks. I will notify you on any Halloween updates!

Hugs and hexes!


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